Chinook Salmon "King"

Alaska King Salmon, or Chinook Salmon, are the largest species of salmon in the Pacific ocean. Although their average size is 10-15 lbs. and most mature King salmon are under 50 lbs., they can grow to a weight of up to 135 lbs. King Chinook salmon usually spawn in large rivers or the main stem of streams with high water flow.
Alaska King Chinook Salmon spawn in the fall, but have spring, summer, and fall runs. The early spring and summer runs occur because some salmon swim hundreds of miles upstream before reaching their spawning ground. The salmon runs in the fall include fish that spawn closer to the coast. The King Chinook fry stay in the fresh water for three months to one year before swimming to the ocean.
Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
Common Names: Chinook Salmon King Salmon Alaska King Salmon
Coho Salmon "Silver"

The chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (derived from Russian чавыча, which in turn comes from a common name used among natives in Alaska and Siberia), is an anadromous fish that is the largest species in the salmon family. It is a Pacific Ocean salmon and is variously known as the king salmon, tyee salmon, Columbia River salmon, black salmon, chub salmon, hook bill salmon, winter salmon, Spring Salmon, Quinnat Salmon and blackmouth. Chinook salmon are highly valued, due in part to their relative scarcity compared to other salmon along most of the Pacific coast.
Sockeye Salmon "Red"

Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), also called red salmon or blueback salmon in the USA, is an anadromous species of salmon found in the Northern Pacific Ocean and rivers discharging into it. There are also completely landlocked populations of the same species, which are known as the kokanee. Sockeye salmon is the third most common Pacific salmon species, after pink and chum salmon.[2] The name "sockeye" is believed to be a folk adaptation of the anglicization of sθə́qəy̓, its name in Halkomelem, the language of the indigenous people along the lower reaches of the Fraser River.
Pink Salmon "Humpy"

Pink salmon or humpback salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, (from a Russian name for this species gorbuša, горбуша) is a species of anadromous fish in the salmon family. It is the smallest and most abundant of the Pacific salmon.
Keta Salmon "Chum"

The chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, is a species of anadromous fish in the salmon family. It is a Pacific salmon, and may also be known as dog salmon or Keta salmon, and is often marketed under the name Silverbrite salmon. The name Chum salmon comes from the Chinook Jargon term tzum, meaning "spotted" or "marked", while "Keta" comes from the Evenki language of Eastern Siberia via Russian.